Opening hours
2025 Season
During the months of January, February, March and December, special openings will be possible, depending on weather conditions
Individual visits to the lower part of the garden, on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons and from Thursday to Sunday as follows
Admission is permitted up to half an hour before closing time.
Guided tours as follows:
1 - 6 January: daily
12 January - 6 July: Saturdays and Sundays
9 July - 7 September: Thursday to Sunday
8 September - 21 December: Saturdays and Sundays
26 - 31 December: daily
Guided tours will also be available on the holidays of 1 and 25 April and 1 May
Individual visit to the lower part of the garden
Full price: € 2.00
Reduced price: € 1.00
Guided Garden Tour (includes the upper part of the garden)
Duration: 75 minutes
Full price: € 9.00
Reduced price: € 6,00
Groups (max. 25 people): € 120.00
Immersive sensory tour (with headphones listening to the romantic melodrama ‘The Secret Garden, the Castle of Dreams), available on Saturdays by booking from the website at the times to be indicated (usually on Saturdays).
Duration: 50 minutes
Single charge: €12.00
Contact us
Vicolo dei Ciucioi
38015 Lavis (TN)
T. 0461 437031 (biglietteria)
T. 0461.1752525 (Consorzio turistico Piana Rotaliana Königsberg)
M. 327 7660813 (Ecoargentario)